Friday, February 18, 2011

Is anyone as excited as I am?

Trying to decide whether or not to splurge on the vinyl....maybe this will help the decision making process:


KPD said...

Early release...

OB said...

I am also excited. As soon as I'm confident it doesn't totally suck (unlikely), I'll probably grab the vinyl.

Apparently, its already gotten some insta-reviews. And, apparently, Klosterman gives them about as much weight as I do (number of spins and medium of listening is so important, I can't believe these critics are even employed) -- from Klosterman's twitter account:

"I'm sure Radiohead is depressed about these reviews, since they obviously make albums for people to listen to once at 9:20 am on a laptop."

KPD said...

The King of Limbs website has been tied up all day.

BW said...

Your supposed to hear about a Radiohead album two years before it comes out and then add another year in delays. This whole hear about Wednesday, official release on Saturday, actual release a day early has really thrown me.

If you guys could just keep this to yourselves for awhile. I'll be ready to listen to this in 2014.


Unknown said...

Ok, I'm joining the boys club on this post. Radiohead...sold, all in. Think of my joining as reimbursement for rides after Phish shows.

If you enjoy hipster circus side show dance party videos, as I certainly do, Lotus Flower does not disappoint. Rather, it just out-Radiohead(ed) itself. Which, by all standards, is hard to do. I'm just a sneak peak to the album..thank you Thom Yorke & co. Thank you.

xoxo to all of you music-loving vanguards

KPD said...

Actually, it's full of surprises: The band goes in some surprising new directions on this one, and I like it, says Lucy Jones in The Telegraph. Gone is the angst and "existential anxiety" of previous releases. A less electronic, dance-y sound is pervaded with a "laidback, chilled ambience." All this makes for a veritable "treasure" of an album that puts the "band's ability to write beguilingly beautiful songs first and... the grit and testosterone on the backseat."

KPD said...
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BW said...


Congrats on being our first guest commenter.

BW said...

There are a few of these but this is my favorite.

BW said...

This is a really good article on the issue of how quickly reviews came out for King of Limbs.

In general it brings up the dilemma of writing opinions about music that will inevitable change over time. Pretty relevant to to the blog. I am realizing more and more that it is hard to write about music.

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