Wednesday, February 2, 2011

White Stripes Break Up

Well, sadly it appears that those who watched the final scenes of Under Great White Northern Lights in my basement last year at St. Paddy's Day -- and were profoundly affected by that scene -- were on to something.

The best band of the first decade of our 21st Century is calling it quits. I respect this decision, and think the letter was well done - in particular their acknowledgment that The White Stripes are no longer Meg and Jack's, but all of ours. Good to see a band grasping that concept, once they reach lofty heights. I will, however, be in denial about the practical ramifications of the decision -- like the more White Stripes thing. Even when Trey said, "we're done" -- I said, "no you're not". Its even more logistically simple here, given that a reunion would merely require two to unite.

Regardless of the future, thank you Stripes for extricating my ears from a classic rock obsession and rejuvenating my interest in modern music for the first time in my life. Its been an enduring gift -- as evidenced by this blog.


Scott said...

Well Sean, I appreciate your thoughful response and ability to be mature about them breaking up.... I'm taking a different route.

FUCK MEG. Seriously. So she does a shitty porno and has to cancel the rest of the tour due to anxiety over's not like she's the brains of the operation here, just beat on the fucking drums and get out of Jack's way. If I lost the only opportunity I had to see them live because of that.... not cool lady. She could at least have went to rehab for a heroin or keyboard cleaner addiction.

I like the Raconteurs and Dead Weather as much as the next guy but the Stripes really really had something special and I fucking loved that band.

So there's my juvenile response. But seriously I really think this is one of the few bands of the last 10-15 years that our kids will actually want to listen to one day. Hopefully this breakup is only temporary, but since we're talking about Jack White here... who knows what the future holds for him.

BW said...

I really like Kot's take. Especially about not cashing in on a farewell tour and why Meg was the perfect drummer.

BW said...

If your not sick of reading about this yet. I really like this article. If you can't tell I love the pro Meg angle

Why Meg White matters

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